endingSCRP on openCard startAnime end openCard on startAnime global gStep put 0 into gStep set the movieFile of mov "cats" to stackPath() & "QT" & pathCh() & "3L_02.mov" prepare mov "cats" play mov "cats" end startAnime #ORA200MB:oracle:Stacks:QT:3L_02.mov XNAME catsSCRP on playStopped global gStep go stack "preview.sta" end playStopped frametimer frametimer frametimer frametimer frametimerATAIL CRDHending BGEXTI ddata on closeStack emptyCache end closeStack on startSprite spList, frameMax, repMax global gDebug, gFrameNo, gFrameMax, gSpName, gSpMax, gSpBak, gRepMax, gRepCnt stop timer "frameTimer" put spList into gSpName put frameMax into gFrameMax put repMax into gRepMax put 1 into gFrameNo put 0 into gRepCnt put the number of items in spList into gSpMax sprite start timer "frameTimer" end startSprite on sprite global gDebug, gFrameNo, gFrameMax, gSpName, gSpMax, gSpBak, gRepMax, gRepCnt if gSpName = "" then exit sprite lock screen repeat with ii = 1 to gSpMax put item ii of gSpName into spName if spName <> "" then put line gFrameNo of fld spName into ss put item 1 of ss into spNo put item ii of gSpBak into spBak if spNo <> "0" and spBak <> "" then hide bmp spBak end if if spNo <> "0" and spNo <> empty then set the loc of bmp spNo to (item 2 to 3 of ss) show bmp spNo put spNo into item ii of gSpBak end if end if end repeat unlock screen end sprite on spriteEffect global gDebug, gFrameNo, gFrameMax, gSpName, gSpMax, gSpBak, gRepMax, gRepCnt if gSpName = emtpy then exit sprite lock screen repeat with ii = 1 to gSpMax put item ii of gSpName into spName put line gFrameNo of fld spName into ss put item 1 of ss into spNo if spNo <> empty then put bmp (spName & spNo) into bmp ("sp" & ii) set the loc of bmp ("sp" & ii) to (item 2 to 3 of ss) else put empty into bmp ("sp" & ii) end if end repeat unlock screen with visual effect dissolve in 15 ticks end spriteEffect on hideAll bmpName put 0 into num repeat while existence( bmp (bmpName & (num + 1) ) ) hide bmp (bmpName & (num + 1) ) put num + 1 into num end repeat end hideAll on showAll bmpName put 0 into num repeat while existence( bmp (bmpName & (num + 1) ) ) show bmp (bmpName & (num + 1) ) put num + 1 into num end repeat end showAll function getBmpNum bmpName put 0 into num repeat while existence( bmp (bmpName & (num + 1) ) ) put num + 1 into num end repeat return num end getBmpNum function cardName return (the name of card) end cardName on showAllCard put 2 into num put "" into ss put Empty into fld "mes" repeat while existence( card id num ) put num & " : " & the name of card id num & RETURN after ss put num + 1 into num end repeat put ss into fld "mes" end showAllCard on showBmpName crdName put 1 into num put 0 into ii put empty into ss put the number of bmps of card crdName into bMax repeat while ii < bMax if existence( bmp id num of card crdName ) then put num & " : " & the name of bmp id num of card crdName & RETURN after ss put ii + 1 into ii end if put num + 1 into num end repeat put ss into fld "mes" end showBmpName function pathCh if the platForm = "Macintosh" then return ":" else return "\" end pathCh PFONT ARIAL ARIAL NARROW ARIAL ROUNDED MT BOLD ATHENSp AVANT GARDE B FUTURA BOLD B GOUDY BOLD BAUHAUS 93 BI GOUDY BOLDITALIC BO FUTURA BOLDOBLIQUE BOOK ANTIQUA BOOKMAN BOOKMAN OLD STYLE BOLD BRAGGADOCIO BRITANNIC BOLD BRUSH SCRIPT MT C FUTURA CONDENSED CAIRO CB FUTURA CONDENSEDBOLD CBO FUTURA CONDBOLDOBLIQUE CENTURY CENTURY GOTHIC CENTURY OLDSTYLE BOLD CENTURY OLDSTYLE ITALIC CENTURY OLDSTYLE ROMAN CENTURY OLDSTYLE SPECIAL BOLD CENTURY OLDSTYLE SPECIAL ITALIC CENTURY OLDSTYLE SPECIAL ROMAN CHICAGO CO FUTURA CONDENSEDOBLIQUE COLONNA MT COURIER COURIER NEW CXB FUTURA CONDEXTRABOLD CXBO FUTURA CONDEXTRABOLDOBLIQU DESDEMONA DOWNWIND DUBIEL DUBIELITALIC FOOTLIGHT MT LIGHT FUTURA FUTURA BOOK GENEVA GOODCITYMODERN GOTHIC 720 BOLD GOTHIC 720 ITALIC GOTHIC 720 ROMAN GOTHIC 720 SPECIAL BOLD GOTHIC 720 SPECIAL ITALIC GOTHIC 720 SPECIAL ROMAN GOUDY GOUDYHUNDRED H FUTURA HEAVY H GOUDY HEAVYFACE HELVETICA HI GOUDY HEAVYFACEITALIC HO FUTURA HEAVYOBLIQUE I GOUDY ITALIC IMPACT KINO MT L FUTURA LIGHT LINOSCRIPT LINOTEXT LITHOS BOLD LO FUTURA LIGHTOBLIQUE LONDONP LOS ANGELES MATURA MT SCRIPT CAPITALS MISTRAL MOBILE MONACO MONOTYPE SORTS MS LINEDRAW N HELVETICA NARROW NEW CENTURY SCHLBK NEW YORK O FUTURA BOOKOBLIQUE O FUTURA OBLIQUE OSAKA PALATINO PIXIEFONT PLAYBILL POLO-SEMISCRIPT RITZCONDENSED RITZITALIC RITZLASER RUDELSBERG SAN FRANCISCO SILLYCONVALLEY STENCIL SYMBOL TIMES TIMES NEW ROMAN TORONTO TRIBECA VENICE VIVALDI WIDE LATIN WINGDINGS XB FUTURA EXTRABOLD XB GOUDY EXTRABOLD XBO FUTURA EXTRABOLDOBLIQUE ZAPF CHANCERY ZAPF DINGBATS ePOP1 (GYOUSHO)KT1 REISHO W3IDMO